

To pair with Oltrepò Pavese DOCG Metodo Classico


Pavia-style schita is a savory fritter typical of Oltrepò Pavese. A simple recipe, consisting only of water, flour, and lard. Perfect with the local cured meats, such as Salame di Varzi or pancetta.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

Lard or vegetable oil

300 g of type 00 flour

Salt to taste

150 ml of fresh water


Put the flour and the salt into a bowl. Slowly add the water and whisk until smooth. Heat the lard or vegetable oil in a frying pan and pour in the mixture using a ladle. Fry on low heat for 4/5 minutes on each side, keeping the fritter as thin as possible. Serve hot accompanied by locally produced cold cuts, such as pancetta or Salame di Varzi.